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Trumpeter Swans

This photo was taken awhile ago. My boyfriend at the time and I were staying with his family for awhile and they live right off of a river. Every day I'd hear one of the lot of them yelling to me "Tina! Come look at the swans!" There would always be at least 3 of them. My boyfriend kept telling me we should walk along the river and try to get some pictures of the swans. Now, we live in Minnesota, so its still blistering cold in March. Ha! But one day we saw 6 of them just floating in a thawed out part of the river so I just ran out there in my T-shirt quick to take a couple pictures. Well swan after swan kept flying past me. A group of 5 would fly over me going one direction and then another group of 4 would fly over me going another direction. They were EVERYWHERE! I tried to catch them as they flew overhead, but I was having the hardest time. Meanwhile, I begin to freeze my butt off. I ask my boyfriend to go grab my coat and some gloves. When he comes back 5 minutes later, probably 50 pictures later too, I'm further up river. I try to quietly tip toe back to grab my coat. As I do, the group of 6 in the river takes off. I spooked them. I guess that was the last of it because all at once, all groups flying all directions met up up river. I snapped some pictures of them all flying over the river. There's at least 30 of them and I could hear more behind me. It was a crazy fun experience and I'm glad I can say I at least got a cool picture like this one out of it!  — at Crow River, MN

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