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Amur Leopard

Not to take the spotlight off of the Amur Tiger cub photo story, but this was taken on the same day in November, 2012. This is an Amur Leopard cub. There were two of them at the Minnesota Zoo, born in late May of 2012. We watched them play with each other, climb the trees ever-so-carefully. One of them fell off the fallen tree, which was about 8-10 feet up. Now, I know cats are supposed to always land on their feet, but this one landed right on its back. It was so sad to watch as he slinked into the corner and watched its sibling roam around and pounce and play. Eventually, he got right back to it. I think the father was separated from the mom and babies. It was interesting to hear them communicate back and forth. They could see each other from one side of the enclosure to the other. I've always been fascinated by the Amur Leopards at the zoo. And its because of their astonishing numbers. It is a critically endangered species with less than 40 remaining in the wild. 40! That's it! I believe there are a little under 200 in zoos worldwide. — at Minnesota Zoo.

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